10a32 bought 30 SEI of FUD
De5F1 created QUANTS
on 11/21/2024
[go back]
Ticker: bynuns
Market cap: 2.3K SEI
created by

bynuns (ticker: bynuns)

An ancient time when nuns created the first currency with trade value in the Island of Taukapuk.

bonding curve progress: 100%

when the market cap reaches 12,500 SEI all the liquidity from the bonding curve will be deposited into dragonswap and burned. progression increases as the price goes up.

there are 0 tokens still available for sale in the bonding curve and there is 2986.853191 SEI in the bonding curve.

🔥 Went Super Seiyan on 11/2/2024 6:59:12 AM